A lot is always said about the lack of compete from Jonathan Drouin, but he has the skill to be a top-end league player. Think of him as Xavier Laflamme from Goon, just need someone to wake him up! <blockquote class=twitter-tweet><p lang=en dir=ltr>what a goal drouin really said a big 'shut uppp haters' <a href=https://t.co/1VUCOuGi8H>https://t.co/1VUCOuGi8H</a>� carol 🇾🇪 (@cwrols) <a href=https://twitter.com/cwrols/status/1470926403113738244?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw>December 15, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src=https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js charset=utf-8>