Fan catches Mikko Koskinen breaking an NHL rule
Jay Tup
January 5, 2022 (10:36 PM)
The NHL says they have the best referees in the world but the truth is we all know that's not true. Another example of this can be found when a hockey fan noticed something peculiar about Mikko Koskinen's stick.
A fan reached out to Mike McKenna and shared his question.
"Hey @MikeMcKenna56, is it me or by rule this taping (knob) has to be white ?" asked the fan.
Must read on HouseOfHockey
McKenna eventually replied and not only did he confirm the fans inquiry but he actually pointed out another breach of the rules with the photo.
"Correct. Koskinen's stick is actually illegal in two ways.
1) the knob isn't 1/2" or larger
2) it's blue...the knob must be white
Yes we're talking knobs again."
The NHL mandates the knob of a goalies' stick must be white to avoid any confusion or obstruction of view when reviewing goals.
It will be interesting to see if the NHL and their "world class" referees catch this.
Previously on HouseOfHockey
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